The pilot area ES-3 Mágina Range is located within the Subbetic System in the provinces of Jaén and Granada. It covers a total surface of 162.828 ha., including the Special Protection areas (SPA) Sierra Mágina and Alto Guadalquivir, and six Sites of Community Importance (SIC): Alto Guadalquivir, Sierra Mágina, Estribaciones de Sierra Mágina, Tramo inferior del Río Guadalimamar y Alto Guadalquivir, Río Guadalimar and Sierra de Arana. The area is also part of the Sierra Mágina and Alto Guadalquivir Natural Parks.
Landscape is dominated by olive groves, shrublands and dry-farmed crops, well preserved by human action. It is also remarkable the presence of wide non-pruned centenarian savanna-like forests. Among the natural places in the area, the above-mentioned SPAs present typical Mediterranean vegetation (holm oaks, gall oaks and junipers at high altitude) and they behave as an island within cultivated lands. Private lands predominate over a 20% of public properties.
17 municipalities constitute the pilot area: Jimena, Mancha Real, Torres, Bedmar y Garcíez, Jódar, Albánchez de Mágina, Huelma, Bélmez de la Moraleda, Cambil, Pegalajar, Cárcheles, Montejícar, Campillo de Arenas, Torre-Cardela, Guadahortuna, Piñar and Campotéjar. Stockbreeding and hunting activities are important setors in the area, which includes 197 hunting areas and 5.547 farms.
Why is this area important?
The area stands out due to its great specific richness and a high density of cliff-nesting raptors such as Bonelli’s Eagle, Peregrine Falcon or Eurasian Eagle Owl. It also hosts the highest density of Golden Eagle at a European level, and some of the most endangered species due to poison.
Information about the incidence of poison in this area is available here: Andalusian Strategy Against Poison.
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Sierra Mágina Natural Park
Asociación de Desarrollo Rural de Sierra Mágina
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Freephone Against Poison
900 811 482
Contact Fundación Gypaetus
Av. de Andalucía, nº 35, bajo, local 2 23100 Mancha Real (Jaén) Spain Tlf: +34 953 961806