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24/06/2012 :

The International Conferences of Life Project
In the frame of the project LIFE09 NAT/ES/000533, the "Poison, Wildlife and Society" group of conferences are one of the mains actions of its communication programme. Is a hole package of international meetings, that will be organized by each partner of this Life project in their own countries.


The Life project “Innovative actions against illegal poisoning in EU Mediterranean pilot areas” include a strategy of dissemination through 4 international conferences. In the frame of the IAP Life project, these events are not only a succession of scientific meetings, but are also structured from the point of view of progresses achieved, identified needs, and especially regional idiosyncrasy. This is a great opportunity towards the spreading of scientific and technical methodologies and results among professional audiences, encouraging international debate about new challenges and feasible approaches in the fight against poison.


The organization of the series of conferences is based on the thematic and technical possibilities of the different pilot areas of the project. Each pilot area shares highly endangered species whose populations are of capital importance, but also the problem of poisoning, in a complex scenario of differential man-wildlife interactions.
The participation of scientists, government technicians, local authorities, lawyers and environmental authorities of these countries and the sharing of experiences in the fight against poison in Mediterranean environments, will imply great advances in the fight against the use of poison.
The conferences will take place in the vicinity of the project’s pilot areas, where there is a close cooperation with municipal and relevant authorities.

Conferences “Poison, Wildlife and Society” are scheduled as follows:

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