These scientific workshops were held on Monday, 17th of December 2012, and Tuesday, 18th of December 2012, in the Exhibition Halls of Natural History Museum of Crete with a duration of 4 hours each. The workshops were addressed to environmental officers and public servants, specifically to foresters, game wardens, veterinarians, employees of municipalities (of the European Network ENMAIP), local authorities, etc. and were attended by 75 participants. ελληνικά
The program of the workshops included a brief presentation of the project LIFE+ “Innovations Against Poisons” by Dr Michalis Probonas, Coordinator / Office technician of the project, the issue of the use of poisoned baits and their impacts on biodiversity by Dr Stavros Xirouchakis, Scientific Coordinator / Field technician of the project, while the participants were informed about the legislations that concerns the issues of the illegal use of poisoned baits and the conservation of biodiversity by Mrs Antonina Papathanasoglou, Expert Partner of the Greek Ombudsman. Lectures were completed with the presentation of the basic principles of first aids and welfare of wildlife, especially in poisoning cases, by Mrs Maria Ganoti, President of ANIMA (Association for the Protection and Welfare of Wildlife) and Mr Achilleas Akrivos (associated veterinarian of ANIMA).
The workshops were completed with a debate between participants and project’s coordinators for the treatment of the illegal use of poisoned baits, while the employees of municipalities expressed their interest of making a network of volunteers for the welfare of wildlife and of organizing a specialized event (specific seminar) for volunteers concerning the first aid provision to wild animals.
In the framework of the LIFE project “Innovations Against Poisons” a number of scientific workshops addressed to scientific bodies involved with the wildlife and the biodiversity conservation will take place, as well as talks and lectures for social groups such as general public, schools, associations active in the nature etc.
